If Brian continues to annoy Sam then Sam may want him to leave. I need to get a little lucky here, not talk too much -- just enough, and I could stick around.
So Neda comes strolling up to me and sparks up a conversation with me. Says she prefers that I stay. Ultimately it leads up to her saying Sofia and Brittany already made up their minds about evicting me. Either she didn't want me to talk to them or she did. So I did. Sofia filled me in on a lot. Said Neda was being fake and was not wanting me to stick around. Told me that Zach also wants me gone. That led me to having to talk to Brittany and and and and and and YES Brittany might vote to keep me despite me saying I'd put her up. So I guess it isn't over until it is over. Sofia wants to talk to Sam and Brittany and try and help me.
For a guy with all these so called helpers, I'm really having to fight to stay in this against Brian, geez.