"I'm really sorry Brian. There is a shit load of stuff going on. I'm really sorry. Just know this, Zach played both of us. He's the puppet master here and now there's a rebellion against him. I'm so sorry."
"Brian.. sorry mate. I realize this is an arse move. There are things going on bigger than you could imagine. I wish there was a way you could stay and another target of mine go but not possible. Mike is someone I think can be an assist to me in the future and I don't know if you could be of the same help to me. Sorry your alliance couldn't be what you wanted it to be."
"I wanted you to tell me how much you sucked yesterday and you couldn't do it for me. You're not leaving because you're a threat. You're leaving because the game is moving on without you. But if I'm telling the truth.. it moved on without you a long time ago. Your alliance you made the first week (yes, I know about it) fell apart and I'm swimming in the pieces."